become a partner
or benefactor
With our vision of making great change to the world through sharing Shamanic practice and knowledge, you can imagine how strongly we hope to create powerful partnerships along the way. We are always looking for partners in many capacities and especially ones that feel passionate about the work we do. We are actively seeking the following:
Someone with private grant-writing experience who is interested in a paid or volunteer gig. We would very much like to use grants to make our offerings more available to those in need and funding has been hard to find.
An individual(s) that has a diverse background in business or a related field and is interested in being on the Board of a heart-centered non-profit.
Volunteers for a variety of positions. We need help pitching our mission to podcasts, foundations, or other forms of media that can help us spread the word about what we do or help us raise money. This would ideally be someone who has been involved in our community groups and is passionate about what we do, is on a healer or shamanic path and looking to deepen their understanding or practice.
If you want to volunteer in Ceremony, you must first sit in your own Ceremony and will be invited to volunteer if it is a good fit. ​
Holistic healing practitioners such as Naturopaths, Chiropractors, Psychologists, Nutrition Coaches or Massage Therapists who we can refer people to for additional support post-Ceremony.
Other healers who are looking to share their Medicine with our community.
Local businesses or communities who want to formally support us by way of writing a letter of support, which will be submitted with our grant applications.
Any organization interested in helping us reach underserved communities who would benefit from our events or teachings.
Someone who owns significant acreage that wants to sell at market value or gift to the Sanctuary. This land will be honored, respected and used for purposes of community healing instead of selling it to a developer. We plan to purchase 40+ acres for the building of our Sanctuary in the future. We intend to offer Shamanic training and education, plant dietas, Plant Medicine cultivation and reforestation efforts. We hope this location will be the first of several.
You have something else to offer that you think will be beneficial to the growth of Sacred Heart and can benefit you as well. All collaborations will/must be equal in energy exchange!
Donors. We would love to be able to freely serve the community without worrying about money, but that is sadly not the world we live in. Commercial rent is at an all time high and livable wages are important. We are seeking individuals who want to make large one-time donations as well as smaller ongoing donations. If you are interested in this, please click on the button below!
As a reminder, since we are a 501(c)3 compliant Church, any donations granted to the growth of Sacred Heart Medicine Sanctuary offer tax-deductible opportunities.
Unfortunately, the cost of any Ceremony is not tax-deductible because it is a set price for our Ceremony service. We believe in paying taxes and therefore do not call financial exchange for our work a "donation" because that's not what it is. If you wish to make a donation above and beyond the Ceremony cost, that is 100% tax deductible and we happily accept it! We hope to have donation-based Ceremony in the future once we have become more established, but for now, it just isn't an option.